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Dumpster diver, written by Abdullah Esmaili, is the story of a garbage collector who collects the found garbage with a bag on his back. To forget the dull life, he gets lost in the clouds of thoughts and criticizes human knowledge, art, and ethics. He plays the role of a saint and a prophet in the modern world and warns people about the future that awaits them.
In a part of the book, we read:
I am among the trash cans and streams of water while patrolling around the city! Among all these pollutions, I have found the brightest thoughts. Thoughts that before few people have achieved. No one is willing to search for something valuable among the dirty and stinking garbage. Just as these wastes are crushed and pulped in recycling machines and they are used to make new things. Old thoughts melt in my mind and new thoughts are born from them. My brain has turned into a huge recycling machine that breaks and kneads every old thought with its powerful blades and creates new thoughts after its particles.